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MSc Business Administration
This is a full-time degree program with a duration of four semesters and modules totalling 120 ECTS. The Master's program in Business Administration is largely taught in German (German language skills required). During your studies you can choose from the following specialisations:
- Management,
- Finance, Accounting and Taxation,
- Information Systems.
Contact and online application
Dipl.-Kffr. Elena Romanenchuk
Studiengangskoordinatorin für BWL, VWL und Wirtschaftswissenschaft
room: 29/203
Rolandstraße 8
telefon: +49 541 969-2685
office hours: Gerne können Sie mich während der normalen Arbeitszeit anrufen oder mir eine E-Mail mit Ihrem Anliegen schreiben. Termine vor Ort und Termine über Videokonferenzen nach Vereinbarung.

You want to study at our school? Then apply directly to the University of Osnabrück! You can find more information on the central page. If you have any questions about the study program, please contact our study program coordinator.
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Specialization in Management
In this specialization, your knowledge and skills are deepened in the three core areas of business management: the derivation of successful strategies on the basis of market analyses, the organisation and control of business structures and processes, and the selection, qualification and management of personnel. You can choose from a wide range of courses on marketing, human resources management, corporate management or strategic planning. Current research results are also presented and discussed in the courses. This specialization qualifies you in particular for activities in marketing and personnel management, in strategic planning or organisational development and in the management of companies in all sectors, but also in other organisations such as educational institutions, institutions of the health system or public authorities.

Specialization in Finance, Accounting and Taxation
In this specialization you will focus on questions of external and internal corporate accounting (accounting, controlling) and corporate taxation. Here you will acquire a highly topical training which is ideally suited for your entry into professional practice and which will qualify you for a career in specialist departments (accounting, controlling, finance, taxes) of large companies, in auditing, business and tax consulting companies as well as in commercial management positions.

Specialization in Information Systems
In this specialization you will focus on information management in companies. This includes the design and use of business information systems for and by decision makers, the modelling of business processes and the design of application systems. Here you will acquire an education that prepares you for a wide range of professional opportunities, particularly at the interfaces between IT and central corporate functions.
Admission requirements
Information about the general admission requirements (usually questions about qualification for admission to higher education) can be found on the website of the students' office.
Special admission requirements are defined in the current admission regulations (in German): Among other things, these conditions must be met:
- A bachelor's program is suitable for Business Administration according to the admission regulations.
- German and English language skills must be at the level specified in the admission regulations. Please take a closer look at the admission regulations, in particular § 4. In addition, the Master's selection committee accepts proof of English language proficiency in the form of successfully completed school English. Level B2/C1 is often explicitly stated on the school leaving certificate (i. e. A-level certificate or high school diploma).
- The applicant must not have definitively failed a comparable examination in a comparable subject area without the option of retaking the examination, and not have lost their entitlement to take the examination.
Advice for online application
When completing an online application, the module descriptions of the completed Bachelor's program must be uploaded. If the current module descriptions are freely available on the Internet, a link can also be provided. Without module descriptions the application cannot be processed.