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Team 2020 © Frank Teuteberg
Accounting and Information Systems (UWI)
Welcome the the website of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems (UWI)!
The Faculty of Corporate Accounting and Information Systems (UWI), under the direction of Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg and a team of more than 20 employees (7 academic staff, 2 associate staff and a further 8 external (project) staff/PhD students/scholarship holders) undertakes research (e.g. the projects marketplace lending, AIPIQUE, XR Job Crafting, Sustainability governance and Kardiointerakt) and teaching that is meant to analyse and develop concepts, (reference) models, processes, and innovative information systems in the area of sustainable corporate management, the use of AI in the field of monitoring and therapy control of chronic diseases, and the digital transformation of society, on a solid theoretical basis. The research focuses on explaining and shaping this transformation in application areas such as eHealth, mobility, human-technology interaction, (agricultural) logistics or Industry 4.0 (e.g. decision-making behaviour of users of digital technologies, ELSI questions on the use of AI, theories and (impact) models of the use of digital technologies, implications for the development of digital business models and platforms as well as people's everyday lives).
For more information on Information Systems for prospective students, students, and junior researchers, visit the Community Website.

Theoretical and practical orientation are not mutually exclusive in this respect, but are understood to be complementary aspects of the UWI department's academic work. The available academic programs aim to impart rational concepts, theoretical approaches, practically applicable methods, and proficiency in the use of relevant standard software for analysis, planning, and reporting with regard to sustainable corporate management and the digital transformation of business and society. Students should come to understand the complex interrelationships of the digital transformation in business and society, enabling them to shape it as employees and managers in the digital age. The current research results of recent years are being published in leading journals regulary. A selection of papers that has been published in highly ranked journals can be found here. In the CHE University Ranking (2017), the Business Informatics department at the University of Osnabrück placed in the top group in Germany for research (publications).
Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, together with Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, organised the 12th International Conference on Business Informatics (WI 2015; hybrid conference between business and science in the "OsnabrückHalle", over 800 guests, 47 sponsors and partners, patron Minister President Stephan Weil) under the motto "Smart Enterprise Engineering".
For several years, Prof Teuteberg has been one of the top 1% of the most research-intensive economists in business administration and one of the top 10 most research-intensive business informatics professors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
In Lower Saxony, Prof Teuteberg is the business informatics professor with the highest research intensity according to the WirtschaftsWoche ranking from 2018, 2020, 2022 and also according to the current ranking from 2024.
This top list is based on an analysis of the scientific publications from 2020 to 2024 (Ranking 2024) by over 4,500 scientists in business administration who work at professorships, Fraunhofer and Max Planck Institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (including post-docs and junior professors) in almost 860 scientific journals of the VHB-Jourqual3 rating, weighted according to their reputation (source: WirtschaftsWoche, 4, 2019, WirtschaftsWoche, 51, 2020, WirtschaftsWoche 51, 2022, p. 40, WirtschaftsWoche 51, 2024). The ranking procedure was developed and carried out by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich for WirtschaftsWoche
With six highly interdisciplinary profile lines, the University of Osnabrück is sharpening its research profile within the framework of the "Future Concept UOS 2020". Together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg is the spokesperson for profile line 1: "Digital Society - Innovation - Regulation", which involves 25 researchers from the fields of economics, computer science, cognitive science, political science, psychology, law, social science and business informatics.