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BSc Information Systems
This study program has an interdisciplinary structure. It is designed for full-time study and comprises modules which sum to 180 ECTS. During the core studies the courses are fixed and you will receive a comprehensive basic education. The study program is divided into four areas: basics, Computer Science, Business Administration/ Economics and Information Systems.
Characteristics of the study program

Contact and online application
Dipl.-Kffr. Sarah Bokel

Studiengangskoordinatorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik
room: 29/206
Rolandstraße 8
telefon: +49 541 969-2748
office hours: tel. Erreichbarkeit i. d. R. Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr; Termine nach Vereinbarung

You want to study at our school? Then apply directly to the University of Osnabrück! You can find more information on the central page. If you have any questions about the study program, please contact our study program coordinator.
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Third academic year
In the third year you have completed the basic training and the choice of courses is entirely up to you. In total you choose 50 ECTS, which are divided into 35 ECTS in the field of Information Systems/Computer Science and 15 ECTS in the field of Business Administration, Economics and Methods. The overview of the 5th and 6th semester shows the wide range of courses offered.
After you have written your bachelor thesis in a field of Information Systems and completed 170 ECTS, you will be graduated with the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.
Admission requirements
Information about the general admission requirements (usually questions about qualification for admission to higher education) can be found on the website of the students' office.
The corresponding regulations of the University of Osnabrück (under the heading "Studies") are valid for the Bachelor's program in Information Systems from the winter semester 2017/2018.
Further information
After completing your Bachelor's degree in Information Systems, you have the opportunity to continue your studies in our Master's program: