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All theses and papers are required to be written in German language. Documents and notes have to be presented in German without exception. In case you want to participate in exams, courses or other activities we strongly recommend an advanced level of German.
Note: For every kind of information concerning examinations and courses including exact timetables and places, please contact the examination office (Prüfungsamt).
Bachelor´s level
Introduction to Marketing - 5 ECTS
This introductory course teaches fundamental knowledge about marketing such as market research and analysis of consumer behaviour. Also introduces the different policies of products, pricing, communication and distribution. Skills for transferring theory to practise are essential parts of all courses.
Marketing B1- 10 ECTS
The objective is to teach more complex topics in marketing. The course focuses on the practical application of market research and consumer behaviour, acquisition of information about consumers and competitors, theories and models of consumer behaviour.
Masters´s level
Marketing M1 - 10 ETCS
Advanced skills in marketing, such as current scientific developments and methodology of marketing are taught. Complex methodology and models are introduced, discussed critically and applied to decision making and forecasting in research and practice.
Marketing M2- 5 ECTS
Students are required to achieve advanced skills in marketing strategy. Description and analysis of marketing strategies as well as practical decision-making are used in an experimental game setting (Markstrat)
Customer management -5 ECTS
This course requires students to develop skills and approaches for gaining new customers, maintaining and developing existing customer relationships, recovery of customer churn and/or migrating customers.