Fachbereich 9


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Overview over the courses in the Master´s program in Economics

General information regarding module choice in Master's program in Economics

To make it easier for you to find your way around our Master's program in Economics, we have put together a presentation with the most important information:

Download the presentation

Mandatory module

Our Master's program in Economics contains one mandatory module:

WIWI-01050 Advanced Methods in Business Administration and Economics, 10 ECTS, offered in the winter semester
Students will acquire advanced skills in microeconomic methods for business and economics and in econometric analysis (especially of microdata). They will deepen and broaden their knowledge of microeconomics and econometrics. They will improve their transfer competence by applying their knowledge to concrete examples.
Advanced methods of microeconomics and econometrics.

Electives in Economics and Methods

Below you will find a list of elective subjects/seminars that you can potentially choose in the field of Economics and Methods. Please note that the module titles listed are fixed designations from the module catalog. Each semester, a different subtitle can also be assigned, which is used in Stud.Ip. It is also possible to choose courses from the field of business administration. However, most of these courses are offered in German (see module catalog from page 16):

Elective courses in Economics and Methods

Availability: Usually, the courses are offered annually. However, some courses might not be offered every year.

WIWI-13500 International Taxation, 5 ECTS, usually offered in the summer semester
Students comprehend advanced topics and techniques in public economics. They are familiar with the main topics in international taxation and with the microeconomic methods for comparing various policy options. They are able to apply these skills to specific examples and new topics.
Comparison of different forms of direct and indirect taxation (e.g. residence- vs. source principle, destination- vs. origin principle); tax competition and tax avoidance.

WIWI-13520 Social Insurance and Income Maintenance, 5 ECTS, usually offered in the summer semester
Students comprehend advanced topics and techniques in public economics. They are familiar with the main topics in designing systems of social insurance and income maintenance and with the microeconomic methods for comparing various policy options. They are able to apply these skills to specific examples and new topics.
Demand for and design of public insurance (e.g. adverse selection, moral hazard); measurement of income inequality; distributional and behavioral effects of tax-and-transfer systems (e.g. negative income tax, nonlinear income taxation).

WIWI-16500 International Economic Policy III, 5 ECTS, usually offered in the winter semester
The students should acquire advanced skills in the description and analysis of economic policy measures.
They acquire transfer competences in the application of empirical methods to questions of international
economic policy.
Current topics of international economic policy, as well as empirical methods to analyse these topics.

WIWI-16520 International Economic Policy IV, 5 ECTS, usually offered in the summer semester
The students should acquire advanced skills in the description and analysis of economic policy measures.
They acquire transfer competences in the application of empirical methods to questions of international
economic policy.
Current topics of international economic policy with special emphasis on European economic policy.

WIWI-17500 Advanced Macroeconomics, 10 ECTS, usually offered in the summer semester
Students are expected to earn advanced knowledge in macroeconomics. They should develop the ability to analyze macroeconomic interactions based on a thorough understanding of their microeconomic
foundations. The ultimate target is that students should be able to critically evaluate the assumptions, the outcomes and the implications of up-to-date macroeconomic models.
Up-to-date advanced macroeconomic theoretical models and analysis of their empirical and forecasting
powers. Nominal and financial market frictions in macroeconomics and their empirical relevance.

WIWI-20500 Microeconomics II (Experimental and Behavioural Economics), 10 ECTS, usually offered in the winter semester
Students will acquire advanced skills in microeconomics analysis. They will learn the methods of
experimental economic research, how empirical research informs the development of theory, and critically
assess the both neoclassical and behavioural methods in economics.
Principles of the design of economic experiments, classical applications in the study of decisions under risk
and uncertainty and strategic interaction.

WIWI-21500 Advanced Econometrics and Statistics, 10 ECTS, usually offered in the winter semester
The students will acquire advanced skills in econometrics and statistics. They will expand their
methodological knowledge in such a way that they can work on a wide range of application fields. They will deepen their understanding of methods, independent work with econometric and statistical software and the proper interpretation of the outputs.
Advanced methods of econometrics and statistics, especially multiple equation models and advanced panel data models.

WIWI-28500 Economics of Environmental Behavior and Policy, 10 ECTS, usually offered in the summer semester
Students acquire advanced skills in environmental and behavioral economics (with reference to
environmentally relevant behavior). They acquire specialist knowledge and methodological skills in the
application of economic methods to environmental and behavioral economic topics. They acquire transfer
skills in the application of empirical methods to environmental policy topics.
Advanced contents in the area of environmental and behavioral economics, e. g. structures of
environmental problems, including experimental evidence; advanced aspects of environmental policy,
evaluation of environmental policy, science for policy, normative aspects.

Elective seminars in Economics and Methods

Availability: Usually, the seminars are offered annually. However, some seminars might not be offered every year.

WIWI-13005{01,…} Advanced Seminar in Public Economics, 5 ECTS
Students know how to deal with advanced analytical tools in public economics and how to identify the limits of these tools. They are able to communicate with scientific peers by writing a research paper and by giving a seminar presentation.
Selected topics in public economics, typically based on current research.

WIWI-16005{01,...} Advanced Seminar in International Economic Policy, 5 ECTS
Students should acquire advanced competencies in the subject area of international economic policy.
They acquire advanced methodological skills of scientific work by writing a term paper and further
improve their communication skills by giving a presentation.
Selected advanced topics from the field of international economic policy.

WIWI-17005{01,...} Advanced Seminar in Macroeconomics, 5 ECTS
Students are expected to earn advanced knowledge in macroeconomics. They should develop the ability to apply up-to-date scientific approaches in the process of preparing a coursework. They should further
improve their communication skills by presenting their coursework in front of the class.
Topics of advanced macroeconomics.

WIWI-20005{01,...} Advanced Seminar in Microeconomics, 5 ECTS
Students will develop critical analysis skills by evaluating primary research papers in experimental and
behavioural economics. Transferable communication skills will be developed by writing critical analyses
and presenting findings (in the case where there is a presentation).
Classic and influential primary research papers in experimental and behavioural economics.

WIWI-21005{01,...} Advanced Seminar in Econometrics and Statistics, 5 ECTS
The students will acquire advanced skills in econometrics and statistics. They will acquire advanced
methodological knowledge of scientific work by writing a term paper and further improve their
communication skills by giving a presentation.
Selected advanced topics from the field of econometrics and statistics.

WIWI-28005 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Economics A, 5 ECTS
Students acquire advanced competences in the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with
reference to environmentally relevant behavior). They acquire advanced methodological knowledge of
scientific work by writing a term paper or preparing a study project and improve their communication
skills by giving a presentation.
Selected advanced topics from the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with reference to
environmentally relevant behavior).

WIWI-28006 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Economics B, 5 ECTS
Students acquire advanced competences in the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with
reference to environmentally relevant behavior). They acquire advanced methodological knowledge of
scientific work by writing a term paper or preparing a study project and improve their communication
skills by giving a presentation.
Selected advanced topics from the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with reference to
environmentally relevant behavior).

WIWI-28007 Seminar Applied Topics in Environmental and Behavioral Economics, 5 ECTS
Students acquire advanced competences in the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with
reference to environmentally relevant behavior). They acquire advanced methodological knowledge of
scientific work by writing a term paper or preparing a study project or the preparation and
implementation of a survey or experiment, and they improve their communication skills by giving a
presentation or interacting with practitioners.
Selected advanced topics from the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with reference to
environmentally relevant behavior).

WIWI-28008 Seminar Selected Topics in Sustainability Economics, 5 ECTS
Students acquire advanced competences in the field of environmental and/or behavioral economics (with
reference to environmentally relevant behavior). They acquire advanced methodological knowledge of
scientific work by writing a term paper or preparing a study project or the preparation and
implementation of a survey or experiment, and they improve their communication skills by giving a
presentation or interacting with practitioners.
Selected advanced topics at the intersection of economics and sustainability.

WIWI-02200 Project Seminar in Economics, 10 ECTS, offered in the summer semester and the winter semester
Students will acquire advanced skills in designing and conducting an applied analysis.
In the project seminar an original applied paper has to be written. The topics are taken from different
fields of economics.